Monday, December 3, 2012

My Auto Tech Bud, Rosalio and his view on technology

A Piece of technology students carry around campus

I interviewed some of my friends in my automotive classes and found out that my friend Rosalio has a very positive view toward technology.  I asked him what he thought about technology in and if it was helpful or harmful.  His response to the question was “technology makes all of our lives better and that there is no negative side to it.”  I then proceeded to my next question, in which ways do you use technology?  He said that he used technology in school to do homework, his school email and Facebook when he is on brake.  He then added that he is mostly using technology during this time of the semester to register for the courses he wants to take next semester at Arizona Western College.  I then proceeded to ask him how he believed that technology was either helpful or harmful to college students?  His response was “technology is very beneficial to college students because they can use programs like blackboard to check their grades or school work they need to do.”  He then added “by using programs like webadvisor college students can register for courses and avoid the long waits and hassles that take place at the registration office.  My finale question to him was if you had to choose one way technology is harmful to students what would it be and why?  He told me that he believes that technology is harmful only as a distraction.  He then added that because of this distraction some students lose focus in the class and miss out on what could be potentially important information for a future assignment.

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