Monday, December 3, 2012

Tech Usage in the Auto Class and Shop

The most common miss-usage of tech in the auto program

For one whole school day I observed different places around campus to find out how technology played a role in everyday college students life.  Since I am currently studying automotive technology I paid closer attention to the usage of technology in the automotive class room and shop by my fellow classmates and friends.  What I found out was surprising, I would have never guessed how much technology was used in the auto class and shop.  Before class started I headed to the small computer lab in the class room and found that while some of my friends looked up school work other were on their Face Book page or YouTube.  After that I went outside of the class room and with another group of friends who were having a casual conversation.  What I noticed form them was that while the group was mostly engaged in the conversation every now and then one of us would pull out our phone to look at who knows what me personally to check the time.  During class my friend Adan sitting next to me answered his texts messages while my friend kris took pictures of the notes with his phone to avoid having to write them out.  During lab hours some of my friends used alldata to look up how to service certain motor vehicle air conditioning systems while others not surprisingly were on Face Book page, looking things up in Google or YouTube.  

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