Monday, December 3, 2012

Tech in my life

Newer version of my phone, showing time which is apparently  very important to me

For one whole day I conducted and observation of my personal usage of technology and what I discovered was that I apparently use technology more than what I expected.  My whole day started with my phone ringing to inform me that it was time to wake up and get ready for the day.  After I became more aware I checked the Yuma Sun, the weather and my Face Book page.  I then checked the time three times before I left for school.  On My way to school I listened to music on the radio.  Once I finally got to school I went to the auto computer lab to check black board, toromail, and my webadvisor.  During the lab time I went on a program called alldata to look up some specs on an engine me and my friend are rebuilding.  During my class session I checked the time ten times in anticipation of going home.  After school I left to go home in which I listened to the radio again.  While I was home I went to help my mom clean while I was listening to my mp3 which died two minutes after.  After that I headed for my room to pick up my I-pod.  Once I was done cleaning I started up my computer and used I-tunes to update my I-pod.  Once it was updated I used Microsoft word and power point to do some homework.  After that I figured I would no longer be using technology for the rest of the day so I proceeded to do this post.  While I was busy typing this post I decided to take a brake and checked my Face Book once more.  Like I mentioned above I was surprised by how much technology I use on a day to day basis.

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